Today my friend Lisa, of Elite Affairs LLC, talked about how perfect today's NYC snowy weather would be for a trash the dress photo shoot. I would so "trash" my dress, meaning take a few shots in the snow, unfortunately photos shoots cost money not to mention needing make up and hair and overall putting my dress back on. Plus everyone's threatening to kill me if i even think of damaging "her" (yes my dress is a living breathing person).
But wouldn't it be totally freekin awesome, and very vouge magazine like???
My Honey Dip and I finally got our wedding pictures back. OVER 500 IMAGES! So many to choose from since the album is only supposed to be about 80. But here's one of my favorites! Enjoy.
They say that acknowledging the problem is the first step to recovery, so.. “Hi, I’m Rachel and I am wedding obsessed… YIKES!” but here’s the thing; I don’t want to go to rehab. I’ve recently married the love of my life and I’m just here to let all my fellow “Mrs.” know that it’s perfectly okay to still want to buy those wedding magazines, no matter what your husbands and friends say. I totally understand. We aren’t giving up weddings, and flowers and cakes, and music, and dresses with out a fight… at least I know I’m not. I’ll always be engaged, planning, and a “Ms.” even if it’s only pretend. ENJOY!